Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Effects of Dota

Computer Game Addiction â€Å"Responsible gaming is an attitude we need if we are engage into Computer Game. Developing this attitude is not a personal choice alone, it requires the participation of society (parents, school, game developer and government). â€Å" As a computer game user,player and fan, it has led me to study the effects of playing computer games such as DOTA, KHAN, and other highly innovative and competitively graphical games. The purpose of the study was to establish an understanding of to what extent is the effect of playing online games, network games and other types to the studies of the students in the university where I graduated. While it was difficult to set a parameter of classifying games according to types and quality since I and my friend believed that the characteristics of the games have something to do with the addiction of students to playing, we thought that it would be safe to just assume games as if have the same characteristics even though these games are under of different types and of the different level of complex graphical presentation, level of real-time experiences, the plot of story it is trying to project and a lot more qualities. Thus, if we quantify the effects then assumption holds that each game that we have studied has a relatively the same impact to students considering its character/quality. However, the extent of its impact is relatively different when we talk about the degree of variation to students experiences towards gaming. This shows therefore that in studying game addiction, it requires a rigid classification and parameter identification to clearly qualify and quantify the impact of this activity to the life of students and Human in general. I encountered several unique experiences when we did the study, and it has given me knowledge on the magnitude of effects whether it is health, study, social, and family and even money issues. One of result says that female players is exactly the same compared to male players when it comes the time of engagement to games. This means that women has started playing games as early as 4 years old as the time of engagement of men revealed, and they women also spent closely 5 to 8 hrs on the average everyday just like men does. † The proceeding discussion will talk about the games, the different types of game and the hundreds available game in the market. Posted on Tuesday, 17. 02. 09 @ 10:55 PM Effects of DoTA It is a kind of neither a game that excites the students to play because of the new updates that come across that game, Data can be an online game nor a local game, can be played by group. This is a kind of character game, means that they're aiming a good character. This is a bloody game on computer. There are many students and even some young professional are addicted to Defense of the Ancients or Data. This is a kind of computer games that can be played by many players and is one of the most popular games to young students.Many students get addicted to this game and they even long hours inside the computer shop Just playing this kind of game. There are studies that getting addicted in playing computer games affects their studies and this is the cause why hey are lying to their parents that they need extra money for their school project but the truth is they are Just using the money to rent a computer where they can play Data with their classmates.Sometimes in order to make the game exciting, they have a deal to pay those who won the game so it becomes already a form of gambling. When time spent on the computer, playing Data games or cruising the internet reaches a point that it harms a child's or adult's family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person maybe caught in a cycle of addiction. Like there addictions, Data game has replaced friends and family as the source of a person, emotional life.Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the internet. When a person spends up to ten hours a day or more rearranging or sending files, playing games, surfing the net, visiting chat rooms, instant messaging, and reading emails. That easily can reach up to seventy to eighty hours a week online with the computer. Major social, school or work disruptions will result.Description of Researcher's Role In this study we had many roles to be tag along and to be acted upon depending n the situa tion. In our research we, the researchers are the instruments. We interact and collaborate with our respondents and gathers data by ourselves. However, in quantitative research, we are non-existent we use instruments to collect data and do not interact with our respondents. These roles and their accompanying broadly stated problems for deliberation are suitable to the Collaborative Research Model in mind.We the researcher's of this case applied these roles: We conducted interviews on our respondents: Data players/addicts Researched some information's in the internet regarding in our case Read books in the library for the aromas Joint our opinions with regards to the topic We considered our limitations in conducting the interview Conclusion After gathering information during our interview and analyzing the information on the case of the effects of Data, we therefore conclude that this Data game has a great effect to the person who are playing on it and come to an end of addiction.The player of this game doesn't matter with their ages and status. From the young to adults Data is the game that is mostly played. It also leads the players to make risky behavior that tends Data players forget their obligations and also their personal Hygiene. Data also complicates relationship on family, friends and special someone. As a whole Data can change the lives of the people who used to play this game. Schematic Diagram Body Data Origin DATA was originally created by a legendary mapmaker called Just by his alias â€Å"Lull† (hence the item Eel's Scepter of Divinity) on of Warrant Ill : Reign of Chaos World Editor.Upon the release of the Frozen Throne expansion, Lull failed to update his map and generous enough to let others develop the map into what we known today as DATA Alistair by another mapmaker called â€Å"Guising† (hence also the item Guising). With the great features of World Editor, DATA maps was even more creatively developed in the 6. X versions by today's DATA Alistair main programmer called â€Å"Iceberg†. Until today, Iceberg declares official map editions of DATA even though many other World Editor mapmakers edit DATA maps in subtle different ways.World Editor is a JOSS-Asynchronous Scripting Syntax)-based application software used to create and edit AD game maps in Blizzard ‘s Warrant Ill. The mapmaker can custom the game through existing virtual palette for units, buildings structures, terrains, sectors, and cameras views. There is also an added pallet imported from Statecraft map editor called doodads (for waters, trees, bushes, boulders, skeletons, fire pits, and others). SASS programmers can specify triggers on how units respond to specific events in the game. These triggers are the building blocks of Data's gamesman.It is the reason why neutral units would retaliate when being attacked and all surrounding enemy units to attack Axe when he pumped the berserker call skill. Any instruction from the gamer pr ompts a trigger and so on with other triggers – a chain reaction of triggers. The editor of Warrant maps and game customs has really surpassed all other forms of game editor in the sense that even novice mapmakers can understand and can easily get along. No wonder why Ells have given up so much inspiration to custom Warrant games the way we wanted to, and customize the map that we always want to play to – the DATA Alistair.So before Iceberg customized the most popular version of DATA Alistair, before Guising updated DATA into Alistair, and before Ells created the DATA custom game, the Blizzard programmers had already handed down to us this great World Editor to kick that creativeness out of gamers lawful minds. Warrant, in general, and DATA Alistair, in particular, may not be this dynamic without the World Editor's provision to enrich the game itself in the farthest way Blizzard could have imagined. The History of Data Much of Defense of the Ancient's gamely stems from inspirations from the Neon of Strife map, available for both Statecraft and Warrant 3.Neon of Strife, also known as ASS, is a modified map that pioneered the concept of players choosing a single hero for the collective objective of destroying the opposing team's base (relatively a new concept for ARTS games). To accomplish this goal, players employ a myriad of strategies based on teamwork and competitive play. Ass-type maps may include many differing features and functions to increase the level of competitive play (I. E. Items that give power, towers that alter gamely, and objectives that win the game).Defense of the Ancient was originally created for Warrant Ill: Reign of Chaos by lead programmer Lull up until the release of Warrant Ill: The Frozen Throne. Lull did not continue development onto The Frozen Throne; and instead, made the map open source before officially shutting down development. In the following days/weeks of Eel's absence, many different variations of Data began t o pop-up including: Data Darkness Falls Data Chaos Data All-stars *other variations exist, but the chronological order is as of yet unconfirmed.From the sea of selection, however, Data All-stars became the most popular version, and is still the most widely played map today. Balancing Studies and DATA The more you excel in Data, the more you flunk at school. -not true. Improving in Data is not all about playing 10 or more games per day. Players improve by how well they learn after winning or losing a game (most of the time in losing). Players who are hard headed and don't believe that they lost because what they are doing is wrong, will never be a better player. The best way to balance studies and Data is having strategies for both.These strategies are the things you're going to think of on how you're going to improve quickly. 1. Pay attention at school. Most players are spending all night playing Data and still daydream about Data when it's school time. You have to focus on what you 're doing at the moment. If you are in the classroom, listen, take notes, do your seat works. Forget anything else unrelated to your studies. . Play moderately. Do not exhaust yourself too much to avoid getting dizzy at school in the morning or worst getting absent/late. Also, you have to reserve energy to study for announced/unannounced quizzes. . Pay attention at your game. When it's playtime, play wisely. Use your limited time to the fullest. 2 or 3 games every afternoon are enough to be a great player after 1 or 2 months. You have to focus on your strengths and weaknesses. Develop your strengths and convert your weaknesses to strengths. 4. Observe the factors that affect your studies. If you find it hard to study after laying, you should study first before playing. In my case, I find it hard to study after losing therefore I used Data as a reward after studying. 5. Know when not to play. Be the master of your own body.If you have a report on the following day or an examination, chances are you need more time for that. You have to sacrifice playing which is not and shouldn't be your priority. 6. Don't mind the insults. If you are insulted for being a weak player, don't be offended causing you to play more hours trying to prove to them that you are a great player. Be offended if you're scolded by your teacher for not doing a simple emperor because of playing all night. 7. Cutting-class is a drug. You try it once, you'll get addicted. Never cut-class if you want to graduate on time. 8. Know when to quit.Know when Data cannot be included in your schedule anymore. For example, in my case, I have to do advance reading and projects. I gave up playing competitive Data and Just play whenever I'm free (twice or thrice a week). Now that I am a lot busier, I'm going to update my blob twice per week instead of everyday. Just like any sport, Data shouldn't be treated as a priority. Play it for fun and play it moderately. Rules in Data Like any other games Data itself ha s its rules. 1. Leaving a game or the use of hacks will result in a ban. 2. If either team has less than 4 people remaining, you may leave without a ban.If the opponents are down one player, and you want to leave to make it even, all allies must agree to it in ALL chat.. 3. Forfeit is allowed after 50 minutes have past and your entire team agrees in all chat by saying â€Å"IF† or â€Å"forfeit†. In a vi, the team of 4 can forfeit after 30 minutes. 4. Remake is allowed if 6 or more players agree (at least 2 from each team). Remake is also allowed if someone leaves in the first 15 minutes ND 3 or more people agree to remake within the next 2 minutes. 5. Going AFC frequently or for long periods may result in a ban. 6.Intentional game ruining things like item stealing from allies and creep blocking are bankable. 7. You may not telephoto into an enemy base without your creeps there, any other backcombing IS allowed. 8. Racism or extreme trash talking may result in a report for review by a neutral moderator. 9. Swapping players without their consent is bankable Data Heroes Karakul, Troll Warlord He has gar attack strength after crisis level 6 provided correct items are chosen. Troll is best hero in data because of his matter bash and attack speed he he very strong skills and perfect item definitely and offense.Tracer, the Drown Ranger Very easy to use yet very strong AS. Does not require complex combination of skills, she Just needs the right combination of items. Best character. When enemy hero silenced and chilled and you have divine rapier. No chance for him Easy to kill enemies. When coming to late game, that's when she shines. She will become unstoppable! Hussar, The Memo Kid I think hussar is the great hero†¦ Best build items†¦ (means, treasure, armlet, and nominator†¦ To Achieve the great and powerful strength of hussar. If you know the correct move, you can kill everybody.HUSSAR is the best among the rest†¦ My best item bui ld( threads, satanic, armlet, ginghams and 2 heart of treasure†¦ ) Dark Terrors, Faceless Void Amazing character. Will be kill with chromospheres plus cranium basher.. I think everybody will feel so SICK. This is the hero that got me caught up in data, from the first time I played him amazing dude. The best killer data. For attack his third skill for stun. And 5 sec chromo to kill INTO hero. Lustful, Auras Warrior Using his artichoke along with overpower really makes us ‘godlike'. Enrage also gets him on top of all the heroes of dot A.Provide him with the abyssal blade, a Shiva's guard and the loather's educe and rest leave to him. His awesome speed can also make a difference. Choose him once and you will never think of another hero. Behold the vela's offering in his claws, anything is undone. Level 4 of Furry Swipes he's ready to reclaim what Reason stole. He has deadly skills and sank kill Russian in level without test Dragon Knight Dragon knight can be anything. Using his skills he can be anything; from a stunner to oilier, and even a pusher. DC is the best HERO 4 me. Because he has a super AS! COOL! 😀 With the ARMOR and REGENT.. Find a way to run..There the Dragon's rage come.. † Bungalow, Electrotype He should be the best because his attack speed and strength is so remarkable when he turns into a wolf. So cool, So awesome. For me bungalow, electrotype is best for me, because even you did not give inventory to him, he still powerful†¦ From bon BUNGALOW CAN BEAT ANYONE Seven, the Rogue Knight Strongest melee heroes, his God Strength beat everything and when the enemy runs†¦ Say hello to Storm Bolt. Seven got the God's Strength no one can beat him with God's Strength even troll he Just go get basher and make for troll he is Tank, Hitter, Stunner, Runner (war cry) and what? s then dagger then stun then hit rampage. Brachium, Spirit Breaker Fast runner and good for the team and wear madness With Mask of madness, power threads and crystals you will be able to make a kill in 4 seconds. Brachium is an awesome hero and with proper items he is unstoppable. Coo he runs fast sometimes it cool. Carded Sharpe, Dwarves Sniper Just try it with an item build of gangs and hash, butterfly, burial-do-Kenyon, monkey inning bar, heart of treasure and power threads. Carded is the best in long range appearance.I know that he is weak, but he can also finish the Job. That's why I chose him than drown ranger and I want you all to use carded because he as great skills (especially by his last skill) and I now he is slow at speed. Fragile yet very strong and precise as the name suggests. He's easy to play as but hard to master. Only a true DATA player can use him at his fullest potential. My advice is to HIT fast and HIT hard. Be Polite. Be Efficient. Be Professional. Never Kill Steal. Assassinate/ Data Heroes for STRENGTHEarthquakes Seven Tiny Skunks Bushmaster Clockwork McKnight Hussar Alchemist Brewster Treat Protector Wisp Centaur Warner Timbers Tusk Axe Budge Sand King Slander Thundered Skeleton King Lifestyles Night Stalker Doom Spirit Breaker Electrotype Chaos Knight Undying Magnums Data Heroes for Agility Anti-Mage Drown Ranger Juggernaut Marina Morphing Phantom Lancer Vengeful Spirit Rick Sniper Template Assassin Ulna Bounty Hunter Auras Gyroscopes Lone Druid Nag Sire Troll warlord Bloodsucker Shadow Fiend Razor Vengeance Faceless Void Phantom Assassin Viper Clinks Bloodmobile Weaver Specter MopeONYX Assassin Clark Medusa Data Heroes for Intelligence Crystal Maiden Puck Storm Spirit Windsurfer Zeus Liana Shadow Shaman Tinker Nature's Prophet Enchantress Jakarta Chem. Silencer Ogre Magi Rubric Disruptor Keeper of the Light Bane Lice Lion Witch Doctor Enigma Necrology Warlock Queen of Pain Death Prophet Pug Dazzle Lasher Dark Seer Batterer Ancient Apparition Invoker Outward Devourer Shadow Demon Visage Advantages and Disadvantages of Data The life style of the youth who have been playing Data is af fected by the game. There are both advantages and disadvantages for them. Let's talk about the advantages iris.As one of the most playable games online, Data can make the players become alert in the mental. They will also turn to be strategic and cooperative. Through computing the magic, damages, gold, physical reduction present and the other stuff, they will get more lore in mathematics. Thus, the youth can get benefits from playing Data. However, not only does the game has advantages, it can also generate the bad effects. It is said that the body system will be weakened. The way the young people think along with their mind will be corrupted. They will not take the money and moral values seriously in life.Heroes in the game often use powerful units. They also have allied heroes and AAA-controlled fighters called â€Å"creeps† who can offer the assistance. Over the mission, gamers are required to purchase the equipment with gold. They have to level up their hero. It may lead them to irresponsibility if they cannot control themselves to deal with time management and priority. They will become lazier and forget the studies. Owing to the game, they may also break the relationships with the family members. What's worse, they will lose their temper and values by the foul languages alike â€Å"Trash talks†.The triggers always exist potentially. More money will be wasted if they cannot stop playing the game. Although the game is funny, you cannot be too addicted. Self-control is extremely important in the modern times. DATA Advantages 1 . Data helps the youth who are playing this game to become mentally alert, cooperative, and strategic. 2. It increases their knowledge in mathematics by computing the gold's, damages, magic and physical reduction present in the game. 3. Playing DATA are for the youth to communicate teenagers who initially don't know each other can easily be friends. Effects of DoTA It is a kind of neither a game that excites the students to play because of the new updates that come across that game, Data can be an online game nor a local game, can be played by group. This is a kind of character game, means that they're aiming a good character. This is a bloody game on computer. There are many students and even some young professional are addicted to Defense of the Ancients or Data. This is a kind of computer games that can be played by many players and is one of the most popular games to young students.Many students get addicted to this game and they even long hours inside the computer shop Just playing this kind of game. There are studies that getting addicted in playing computer games affects their studies and this is the cause why hey are lying to their parents that they need extra money for their school project but the truth is they are Just using the money to rent a computer where they can play Data with their classmates.Sometimes in order to make the game exciting, they have a deal to pay those who won the game so it becomes already a form of gambling. When time spent on the computer, playing Data games or cruising the internet reaches a point that it harms a child's or adult's family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person maybe caught in a cycle of addiction. Like there addictions, Data game has replaced friends and family as the source of a person, emotional life.Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the internet. When a person spends up to ten hours a day or more rearranging or sending files, playing games, surfing the net, visiting chat rooms, instant messaging, and reading emails. That easily can reach up to seventy to eighty hours a week online with the computer. Major social, school or work disruptions will result.Description of Researcher's Role In this study we had many roles to be tag along and to be acted upon depending n the situa tion. In our research we, the researchers are the instruments. We interact and collaborate with our respondents and gathers data by ourselves. However, in quantitative research, we are non-existent we use instruments to collect data and do not interact with our respondents. These roles and their accompanying broadly stated problems for deliberation are suitable to the Collaborative Research Model in mind.We the researcher's of this case applied these roles: We conducted interviews on our respondents: Data players/addicts Researched some information's in the internet regarding in our case Read books in the library for the aromas Joint our opinions with regards to the topic We considered our limitations in conducting the interview Conclusion After gathering information during our interview and analyzing the information on the case of the effects of Data, we therefore conclude that this Data game has a great effect to the person who are playing on it and come to an end of addiction.The player of this game doesn't matter with their ages and status. From the young to adults Data is the game that is mostly played. It also leads the players to make risky behavior that tends Data players forget their obligations and also their personal Hygiene. Data also complicates relationship on family, friends and special someone. As a whole Data can change the lives of the people who used to play this game. Schematic Diagram Body Data Origin DATA was originally created by a legendary mapmaker called Just by his alias â€Å"Lull† (hence the item Eel's Scepter of Divinity) on of Warrant Ill : Reign of Chaos World Editor.Upon the release of the Frozen Throne expansion, Lull failed to update his map and generous enough to let others develop the map into what we known today as DATA Alistair by another mapmaker called â€Å"Guising† (hence also the item Guising). With the great features of World Editor, DATA maps was even more creatively developed in the 6. X versions by today's DATA Alistair main programmer called â€Å"Iceberg†. Until today, Iceberg declares official map editions of DATA even though many other World Editor mapmakers edit DATA maps in subtle different ways.World Editor is a JOSS-Asynchronous Scripting Syntax)-based application software used to create and edit AD game maps in Blizzard ‘s Warrant Ill. The mapmaker can custom the game through existing virtual palette for units, buildings structures, terrains, sectors, and cameras views. There is also an added pallet imported from Statecraft map editor called doodads (for waters, trees, bushes, boulders, skeletons, fire pits, and others). SASS programmers can specify triggers on how units respond to specific events in the game. These triggers are the building blocks of Data's gamesman.It is the reason why neutral units would retaliate when being attacked and all surrounding enemy units to attack Axe when he pumped the berserker call skill. Any instruction from the gamer pr ompts a trigger and so on with other triggers – a chain reaction of triggers. The editor of Warrant maps and game customs has really surpassed all other forms of game editor in the sense that even novice mapmakers can understand and can easily get along. No wonder why Ells have given up so much inspiration to custom Warrant games the way we wanted to, and customize the map that we always want to play to – the DATA Alistair.So before Iceberg customized the most popular version of DATA Alistair, before Guising updated DATA into Alistair, and before Ells created the DATA custom game, the Blizzard programmers had already handed down to us this great World Editor to kick that creativeness out of gamers lawful minds. Warrant, in general, and DATA Alistair, in particular, may not be this dynamic without the World Editor's provision to enrich the game itself in the farthest way Blizzard could have imagined. The History of Data Much of Defense of the Ancient's gamely stems from inspirations from the Neon of Strife map, available for both Statecraft and Warrant 3.Neon of Strife, also known as ASS, is a modified map that pioneered the concept of players choosing a single hero for the collective objective of destroying the opposing team's base (relatively a new concept for ARTS games). To accomplish this goal, players employ a myriad of strategies based on teamwork and competitive play. Ass-type maps may include many differing features and functions to increase the level of competitive play (I. E. Items that give power, towers that alter gamely, and objectives that win the game).Defense of the Ancient was originally created for Warrant Ill: Reign of Chaos by lead programmer Lull up until the release of Warrant Ill: The Frozen Throne. Lull did not continue development onto The Frozen Throne; and instead, made the map open source before officially shutting down development. In the following days/weeks of Eel's absence, many different variations of Data began t o pop-up including: Data Darkness Falls Data Chaos Data All-stars *other variations exist, but the chronological order is as of yet unconfirmed.From the sea of selection, however, Data All-stars became the most popular version, and is still the most widely played map today. Balancing Studies and DATA The more you excel in Data, the more you flunk at school. -not true. Improving in Data is not all about playing 10 or more games per day. Players improve by how well they learn after winning or losing a game (most of the time in losing). Players who are hard headed and don't believe that they lost because what they are doing is wrong, will never be a better player. The best way to balance studies and Data is having strategies for both.These strategies are the things you're going to think of on how you're going to improve quickly. 1. Pay attention at school. Most players are spending all night playing Data and still daydream about Data when it's school time. You have to focus on what you 're doing at the moment. If you are in the classroom, listen, take notes, do your seat works. Forget anything else unrelated to your studies. . Play moderately. Do not exhaust yourself too much to avoid getting dizzy at school in the morning or worst getting absent/late. Also, you have to reserve energy to study for announced/unannounced quizzes. . Pay attention at your game. When it's playtime, play wisely. Use your limited time to the fullest. 2 or 3 games every afternoon are enough to be a great player after 1 or 2 months. You have to focus on your strengths and weaknesses. Develop your strengths and convert your weaknesses to strengths. 4. Observe the factors that affect your studies. If you find it hard to study after laying, you should study first before playing. In my case, I find it hard to study after losing therefore I used Data as a reward after studying. 5. Know when not to play. Be the master of your own body.If you have a report on the following day or an examination, chances are you need more time for that. You have to sacrifice playing which is not and shouldn't be your priority. 6. Don't mind the insults. If you are insulted for being a weak player, don't be offended causing you to play more hours trying to prove to them that you are a great player. Be offended if you're scolded by your teacher for not doing a simple emperor because of playing all night. 7. Cutting-class is a drug. You try it once, you'll get addicted. Never cut-class if you want to graduate on time. 8. Know when to quit.Know when Data cannot be included in your schedule anymore. For example, in my case, I have to do advance reading and projects. I gave up playing competitive Data and Just play whenever I'm free (twice or thrice a week). Now that I am a lot busier, I'm going to update my blob twice per week instead of everyday. Just like any sport, Data shouldn't be treated as a priority. Play it for fun and play it moderately. Rules in Data Like any other games Data itself ha s its rules. 1. Leaving a game or the use of hacks will result in a ban. 2. If either team has less than 4 people remaining, you may leave without a ban.If the opponents are down one player, and you want to leave to make it even, all allies must agree to it in ALL chat.. 3. Forfeit is allowed after 50 minutes have past and your entire team agrees in all chat by saying â€Å"IF† or â€Å"forfeit†. In a vi, the team of 4 can forfeit after 30 minutes. 4. Remake is allowed if 6 or more players agree (at least 2 from each team). Remake is also allowed if someone leaves in the first 15 minutes ND 3 or more people agree to remake within the next 2 minutes. 5. Going AFC frequently or for long periods may result in a ban. 6.Intentional game ruining things like item stealing from allies and creep blocking are bankable. 7. You may not telephoto into an enemy base without your creeps there, any other backcombing IS allowed. 8. Racism or extreme trash talking may result in a report for review by a neutral moderator. 9. Swapping players without their consent is bankable Data Heroes Karakul, Troll Warlord He has gar attack strength after crisis level 6 provided correct items are chosen. Troll is best hero in data because of his matter bash and attack speed he he very strong skills and perfect item definitely and offense.Tracer, the Drown Ranger Very easy to use yet very strong AS. Does not require complex combination of skills, she Just needs the right combination of items. Best character. When enemy hero silenced and chilled and you have divine rapier. No chance for him Easy to kill enemies. When coming to late game, that's when she shines. She will become unstoppable! Hussar, The Memo Kid I think hussar is the great hero†¦ Best build items†¦ (means, treasure, armlet, and nominator†¦ To Achieve the great and powerful strength of hussar. If you know the correct move, you can kill everybody.HUSSAR is the best among the rest†¦ My best item bui ld( threads, satanic, armlet, ginghams and 2 heart of treasure†¦ ) Dark Terrors, Faceless Void Amazing character. Will be kill with chromospheres plus cranium basher.. I think everybody will feel so SICK. This is the hero that got me caught up in data, from the first time I played him amazing dude. The best killer data. For attack his third skill for stun. And 5 sec chromo to kill INTO hero. Lustful, Auras Warrior Using his artichoke along with overpower really makes us ‘godlike'. Enrage also gets him on top of all the heroes of dot A.Provide him with the abyssal blade, a Shiva's guard and the loather's educe and rest leave to him. His awesome speed can also make a difference. Choose him once and you will never think of another hero. Behold the vela's offering in his claws, anything is undone. Level 4 of Furry Swipes he's ready to reclaim what Reason stole. He has deadly skills and sank kill Russian in level without test Dragon Knight Dragon knight can be anything. Using his skills he can be anything; from a stunner to oilier, and even a pusher. DC is the best HERO 4 me. Because he has a super AS! COOL! 😀 With the ARMOR and REGENT.. Find a way to run..There the Dragon's rage come.. † Bungalow, Electrotype He should be the best because his attack speed and strength is so remarkable when he turns into a wolf. So cool, So awesome. For me bungalow, electrotype is best for me, because even you did not give inventory to him, he still powerful†¦ From bon BUNGALOW CAN BEAT ANYONE Seven, the Rogue Knight Strongest melee heroes, his God Strength beat everything and when the enemy runs†¦ Say hello to Storm Bolt. Seven got the God's Strength no one can beat him with God's Strength even troll he Just go get basher and make for troll he is Tank, Hitter, Stunner, Runner (war cry) and what? s then dagger then stun then hit rampage. Brachium, Spirit Breaker Fast runner and good for the team and wear madness With Mask of madness, power threads and crystals you will be able to make a kill in 4 seconds. Brachium is an awesome hero and with proper items he is unstoppable. Coo he runs fast sometimes it cool. Carded Sharpe, Dwarves Sniper Just try it with an item build of gangs and hash, butterfly, burial-do-Kenyon, monkey inning bar, heart of treasure and power threads. Carded is the best in long range appearance.I know that he is weak, but he can also finish the Job. That's why I chose him than drown ranger and I want you all to use carded because he as great skills (especially by his last skill) and I now he is slow at speed. Fragile yet very strong and precise as the name suggests. He's easy to play as but hard to master. Only a true DATA player can use him at his fullest potential. My advice is to HIT fast and HIT hard. Be Polite. Be Efficient. Be Professional. Never Kill Steal. Assassinate/ Data Heroes for STRENGTHEarthquakes Seven Tiny Skunks Bushmaster Clockwork McKnight Hussar Alchemist Brewster Treat Protector Wisp Centaur Warner Timbers Tusk Axe Budge Sand King Slander Thundered Skeleton King Lifestyles Night Stalker Doom Spirit Breaker Electrotype Chaos Knight Undying Magnums Data Heroes for Agility Anti-Mage Drown Ranger Juggernaut Marina Morphing Phantom Lancer Vengeful Spirit Rick Sniper Template Assassin Ulna Bounty Hunter Auras Gyroscopes Lone Druid Nag Sire Troll warlord Bloodsucker Shadow Fiend Razor Vengeance Faceless Void Phantom Assassin Viper Clinks Bloodmobile Weaver Specter MopeONYX Assassin Clark Medusa Data Heroes for Intelligence Crystal Maiden Puck Storm Spirit Windsurfer Zeus Liana Shadow Shaman Tinker Nature's Prophet Enchantress Jakarta Chem. Silencer Ogre Magi Rubric Disruptor Keeper of the Light Bane Lice Lion Witch Doctor Enigma Necrology Warlock Queen of Pain Death Prophet Pug Dazzle Lasher Dark Seer Batterer Ancient Apparition Invoker Outward Devourer Shadow Demon Visage Advantages and Disadvantages of Data The life style of the youth who have been playing Data is af fected by the game. There are both advantages and disadvantages for them. Let's talk about the advantages iris.As one of the most playable games online, Data can make the players become alert in the mental. They will also turn to be strategic and cooperative. Through computing the magic, damages, gold, physical reduction present and the other stuff, they will get more lore in mathematics. Thus, the youth can get benefits from playing Data. However, not only does the game has advantages, it can also generate the bad effects. It is said that the body system will be weakened. The way the young people think along with their mind will be corrupted. They will not take the money and moral values seriously in life.Heroes in the game often use powerful units. They also have allied heroes and AAA-controlled fighters called â€Å"creeps† who can offer the assistance. Over the mission, gamers are required to purchase the equipment with gold. They have to level up their hero. It may lead them to irresponsibility if they cannot control themselves to deal with time management and priority. They will become lazier and forget the studies. Owing to the game, they may also break the relationships with the family members. What's worse, they will lose their temper and values by the foul languages alike â€Å"Trash talks†.The triggers always exist potentially. More money will be wasted if they cannot stop playing the game. Although the game is funny, you cannot be too addicted. Self-control is extremely important in the modern times. DATA Advantages 1 . Data helps the youth who are playing this game to become mentally alert, cooperative, and strategic. 2. It increases their knowledge in mathematics by computing the gold's, damages, magic and physical reduction present in the game. 3. Playing DATA are for the youth to communicate teenagers who initially don't know each other can easily be friends.

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