Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Bitterness in Faulkners A Rose For Emily :: A Rose For Emily, William Faulkner

Essay a rose for Emily In William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily," Emily's lack of social skills, exclusiveness and bitterness display Emily's refusal to adapt to the present. In the short story "A Rose for Emily", Emily displays her lack of social skills when the other ladies in the story try to call for her and she refuses to see them. Emily was not very social with the other towns? people. When the town gets the mail system for free, Emily refuses to let the towns? people put a mail box or postal number letters outside of her home. Emily was very unsocial. Emily never left the house much, she would have everything she needed brought to the house for her. She portrays her refusal to adapt to the present by not keeping up with the new mailing system and by refusing to pay taxes. She wanted to keep everything how it was when her father was alive. Emily was not willing to accept the new changes in her life, she wanted to live in the past where she was comfortable. Emily is very excluded from the rest of the town. Emily hardly ever came out of her house and refused to let anyone in on her life. Emily displays her refusal to adapt to the present by not wanting to let anyone in when her father passed on because she believed that he was still alive. Emily was very close to her father and when he passed on it was hard for her to adapt to the present. Emily never left the house much that her father left her, and when she did she did not talk to anyone at all. Emily was very private with her life, she made sure that no one knew anything about her life. Emily portrays her refusal to adapt to the present by keeping herself very excluded from the present time. The people that lived in the town with her would have to ask her servant questions just to receive any information about her life at all. Emily did not even let the servant into her personal life, she kept all her thoughts and feelings very private from the rest of the world. After Emily?s father passed away, Emily became very bitter with the world. She refused to pay taxes to the town because her father had given a lot of money to the town.

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