Thursday, December 12, 2019

Effectiveness of Communication Arts Essay Example For Students

Effectiveness of Communication Arts Essay Film Production, Advertising, Event Management, Public Relations, and many more in the field of Communication Arts . The course aims to equip and prepare students to be productive in their chosen career path. Students are provided with an opportunity to study and develop their linguistic, analytical, critical and creative abilities. This aims to equip and prepare students to be productive and responsible Filipino citizens in a rapidly changing world. Communication Arts is not just a tertiary course that deals with broadcasting communication and mass information It also includes proper interaction teen the people and the media. The existence of Communication Arts can affect the community and the progress of a nation. Such responsibility Will uphold the interest of the high school students regarding the communication arts degree. College De San Lorenz is a private school located along Congressional Avenue, Guenon City. It is one of the colleges you can find in the city With good location, school facilities, and quality education. Also, it is one Of the schools that offer Communication Arts. The program is divided into different approaches of mass media including Advertising, Broadcasting, Journalism and Film. Subjects under this course include photography, theatre arts, mass media and u, radio and multimedia production. Audio Visual Presentation is one of the most effective ways in promoting the Communication Arts department of College De San Lorenz Visuals are easily absorbed rather than listening to someone who is discussing. It is more enticing to the audience to see what the College De San Lorenz Communication Arts have more than other courses and universities. Audio-Visual means relating to both hearing and sight. It is designed to aid in learning and teaching by making use of both hearing ND sight. The study has compared the effect of audiovisual presentation and text only presentation on short term memory. Prom our study, we can conclude that audiovisual presentation has better effect in memory than text only presentation. This result might be explained by the common belief that people in general prefer to acquire knowledge using visual cues. There is no significant difference of the students preference to audio-visual presentation in both the intervention and control groups. This indirectly indicates that the students performance in memory test is not affected by their preference to either audio-visual or text only presentation. It is believed to be due to the ability of the students to perform in their best capability when they are given a test or a task to complete. As for many students, the desire to perform their best in academics is strong. (Does Audio-visual Presentation Have Better Effect on Memory Compared to Text-only presentation? An Experimental Study among Amelia-Maniple Medical College Students from http:/,own S. PDF) Audio visual presentation adds impact and interest to a lesson. They enable to appeal to more than one sense at the same time, thereby increasing the audiences understanding and retention level. With pictures, the concepts or ideas you present are no longer simply words but words plus imagery* (Effectiveness of Using Audio Visual Presentation in Teaching College Physics to Medical and Allied Courses Students Of Our Lady of Optima University.. Studded. Com. Retrieved 03, 2011, from http://www. Studded. Com/essays/Effectiveness-Of-using-Audio -Visual-presentation-607183. HTML) STATEMENT OFTEN PROBLEM Who among the fourth year high school students would choose to take up communication Arts? GENERAL OBJECTIVE The objective of the research is to know the effectiveness of an Audio Visual Presentation. To determine who among the selected fourth year high school students of Saucy High School will enroll and take up ABA Communication. The researches aim to give recommendation based on the feedback given by the selected high school students of Saucy High School. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study aims to introduce the Communication Arts Department to the 2012-2013 selected senior high school students of Saucy High School, In addition to this, it also aims to know the number of students who will choose to continue their tertiary education in College De San Lorenz and take up ABA Communication. West Gallery and East Gallery EssayThe Elaboration Likelihood Model is valued because it offers a way to understand how attitudes are formed and changed, The theory can be applied to persuasion because it provides means tort a person to understand who they are trying to persuade and what route to take, Agenda-Setting Theory Agenda-setting theory has been developed by Maxwell Macombs and Donald Show and it gives the opinion that no matter what you think, but matters what you think about. (http://mucky. Du/-Darlene/capstone/mass/agenda. HTML) This theory focuses on the two elements: I) awareness 2) information The press may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers What to think about. (Bernard Cohen, 1963) (http. Rutledge. Com/textbooks/immediateness/students-cassettes. SP) Macombs, M. And Shaw, D. (1972) The Agenda-setting Function Of Mass Media. Public Opinion Quarterly, 36 (Summer), 176-187. Macombs and Shaw (1972) shows how the publics perception of reality is shaped by both reality itself and the reality as portrayed by the media. Media organizations do not just passively broadcast information repeating the words of the official sources or conveying exactly the incidents of an event. They also do not select or reject the days news in proportion to reality. Through their selection and display tooth news stories, the reporters and the editors focus heir attention and influence the publics perceptions of what are the most important issues tot the day. Our pictures tooth world are shaped and refined in the way journalists frame their news stories. This function of media is called the agenda-setting function of media (Macombs, 2002) To determine the persistent role of media, the researchers do not reflect reality, filtering and shaping only. The viewers opinion after watching the APP is important to resolve same issues by telling us what to think about. Conceptual Framework The APP aims to let its viewers think that reality is not how they think about The searchers will create a new agenda. This new agenda will identify the viewers perception of reality but still we will make an equal treatment through framing. However, the researchers will decide which issues to select, follow up, highlight, interpret and manipulate to determine if the new agenda is effective using the opinion of the viewers. METHODOLOGY Research Design The researchers will be using both the qualitative and quantitative type of research. The study will conduct a survey and focus group discussion to the gather information from the selected high school students in order to fulfill the objective of the study.

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